Monday, May 2, 2016

Why PHP become so popular language

There are many programming languages like Java, Python, Ruby on Rails, C, C++, PHP are usually counted higher on a ranking of most widely-used languages. But if you eliminate those popular compiled languages from the rankings, PHP is usually the most popular scripting language.

There are several reasons why PHP is probably the closest thing to a de-facto standard scripting language available online.

Easy to start with: As a beginner it is easy to start with PHP. The user just have to add a few PHP-tags with e.g. a for-loop in it's existing HTML-files and then upload it to the server and see the result or an error message. Dynamic typing and associative arrays makes it also easier to start using PHP.

Easy to use: Compared to most solutions like e.g. Java, PHP doesn't need to be compiled, so it's just to write the script and then upload it to the server and then update the browser.

Integrated database support: PHP has (mostly) built-in support for the most popular databases like e.g. MySQL, that means it is easy to start using databases, no additional drivers needs to be installed, just to use the mysql-functions. The easy to use web based admin tool PHPMyAdmin (released 1998) is also important to the PHP's success in combination with MySQL.

Old language (since 1995) with a big user base: PHP became popular early (1995) since it was designed for web programming. Since then the user base has grown and now there is many web-oriented frameworks and libraries available. Some examples are blogg-systems and e-shopping-platforms.

Cheap hosting: Since PHP has existed for long time and works good on both Linux and Windows, and many webservers have support for it. There is no problem to find hosting with PHP pre-installed.

Google Trends for different languages are as below:

Because it's a server-side script rather than client side, meaning the processing is done on the Web host’s server, rather than on your machine, information can be stored across browsing sessions without relying on cookies (snippets of data stored on your machine). This means you can access sites such as Facebook from any computer, enter your username and password, and access your account.

It's Open Source, which means anyone can access and edit the source code, and contribute to future development. This is one of the reasons there are so many plug-in programs available already written in the language. Its being Open source has other advantages too.

The most popular CMS apps are written in PHP (e.g. Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla!).

There are lot strong frameworks are available in PHP (e.g. Cake PHP, Zend Framework,CodeIgnitor etc).

There are no licensing fees to pay to install PHP, meaning the cost of running a server is kept down. PHP also runs on Linux and Unix, meaning a Web hosting server can be set up with no software costs.

In fact PHP is platform independent and even runs on a Windows server. In practice, this means it’s pre-installed by the majority of Web hosting companies on all their servers, often complete with a library of scripts ready to install on your domain with just a few clicks.

Linux operating systems are widely considered more secure than Windows, since the majority of viruses and hacker attacks are aimed at the Windows OS. PHP is also considered more secure than Java, because PHP was designed from the ground up with hosting in mind, and is designed for multi-user environments, where Java, stemming from more traditional programming languages, wasn’t.

Finally, with such a wealth of viewable source code and no shortage of online tutorials, PHP is easy to learn. This means people can start off with a standard installation of a given program and tweak it to meet their own specific needs.

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